Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spring in my Heart....

(Click on photo for a closer look, if you'd like)
It's a sunny 66 degrees here today in our part of Texas, and it feels like Spring. I know it will get colder again, but for right now, I am thinking of what kind of flowers I can plant and pot in a few months to brighten our patio and porch.
I was looking through some photos from last year, and came across this picture of the Azalea in our front yard. Isn't it pretty? As I look at it, I am reminded yet again of what an artist God, the Master Creator is! And to think He has given us so many beautiful things here on earth to enjoy.
It's only January, but it is Springtime in my heart today..... God is Real, and He loves us..... that is enough to turn even a dreary day Bright with promise.... Because He has given His children a promise.... The promise that He will never leave us or forsake us....
Praise His Name!


  1. Beautiful azalea! I am looking forward to spring as well.

  2. Looking at the picture of our Spring -y azalea just makes me want lots of flowers when Spring really gets here... I do love flowers, and think that the deep fushia of the azalea is such a gorgeous color!

    Only God could have come up with a color like that!

  3. Your azalea is beautiful Jenni, and this promise by God is one that I claim and cling to.Every time I look at a flower I think about what a beautiful job He did, and how much He loves color. Thanks for sharing these beautiful thoughts, and for taking the time to come by and say Hi.
    Enjoy your week, and if I could I would share the snow with you.

  4. Hi Sue! You are right, He must love color! I've never thought about it in quite that way.....

    And to think that He gave us eyes to see His creation, and minds to appreciate what He's created!

    How I love Him!

  5. Truly God is a masterful Artist and faithful to the end. Needed to read this today. Thank you for reminding me again of the beauty He can bring to our lives.

  6. Hi M! Isn't our God Amazing? He can truly give us "beauty for ashes," as His Word delcares....

    We serve an Awesome God....

    thanks for stopping by today!
