Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The "other" Jazz and Me....

Came across this recent photo of me helping my sister petsit for our friends Kathy and Tommy. Their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is also named "Jazz". Isn't he cute? Wherever you are sitting, he always wants to come be by you and gets and gives plenty of "sugar" ...
When my sister and I kneel in their living room every night to have prayer together, Jazz and the kitties gather in close..... they are soooo sweet!


  1. Such an adorable photo Jenni. I like it that they drew close to you both as you prayed.Priceless!!!

  2. Heyt there, Sue! Now, this pic, I was just posing by him... ( and he is ALWAYS ready to be petted and hugged, **Smiles**)

    But you would love the way he lies down so contently on his side by me as we pray, and the kitties make sure they are near, too...
    we just LOVE caring for those darling animals...
