Monday, January 17, 2011

I Know the Healer.....

The Bible speaks of David, who became King of Israel and Judah (and who was a man after God's own heart) encouraging himself in the Lord. When times got tough and he got discouraged, I can just imagine him reminding himself of all the times God had answered his prayers, and given him victory over the many enemies he faced.

I am battling an enemy right now..... for the last couple of years I have had repeated infections in my sinuses and lungs... now, I was adopted at birth, but I do know that my birth mother smoked. I don't know if that was the reason I was gifted with bad athsma as a child or not. As I child, I was in and out of the hospital with my lungs on a regular bases, but I remember some mighty healings from my Lord.

I know the Healer. All He has to do is speak the word and all sickness must flee!! It cannot stay in my body if HE tells it to "Go!"

In the New Testament, in John Chapter 11, Lazarus DIED, and was buried and in the grave when the Master came to visit. All He had to say, this God of all Creation, this Mighty Healer, was: "Lazarus, come forth" and the dead man came from that tomb bound in his grave clothes, alive and breathing at his God's command! Now I have heard my Pastor say that Jesus had to specify Lazarus' name when He said : "Come forth" or all the dead would have "Come forth"! That's the kind of Power my Jesus has!
I am "encouraging myself in the Lord"! He has healed me too many times for me to doubt Him now! He healed my sister of a blastoma tumor behind one of her eyes when she was a little baby.... it was so large her eye would not shut at all at night when she tried to sleep, it bulged open..... When Jesus healed her, though, He did a thorough job and she had perfect vision in both eyes all of her life until recently when she needed some reading glasses.....
I will NOT be discouraged! I will not give up in dispair at my sickness!
Because, you see, I know the Healer!
Praise His Holy Name!


  1. Praying for you today, Jenni, I am so glad that i know this Healer too, and what he has done for you in the past, he will do for you again. I too have heard the story about Jesus calling Lazarus by name, and it really makes sense to me.

  2. Thanks, dear blogging friend! For your encouragement, and for the "blog -hugs" today!
    I needed that! I'm trusting the Healer to see me through this! He always has, and He always will...

    He is Wonderful....

  3. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He did it for Lazurus (and we know He DID) than He will do the same for you. I'll be praying with/for you on this one, Sis!

  4. I appreciate the prayers! I reallly need them. And I am so glad and thankful that Jesus Christ never changes! He is faithful, and He is able....
