Friday, March 11, 2011

Springtime Roses Bouquet

(Click on photo if you'd like a closer peek at the little faux bird's nest or the wee chick)
I guess it's the Spring weather! For the last several weeks I've really enjoyed keeping fresh flowers in our home....
I thought that my dear blogging friends might enjoy a glimpse of the latest "bouquet", along with Mrs.Bunny and her tiny friend "Peep"..... **Smiles** So here they are....
I hope you have a weekend full of smiles and sunshine....if not literally, then at least in your heart! Remember, Someone loves you more than you could ever even begin to know..... His Name is Jesus......


  1. This is so pretty Jenni, I love the way you have presented your flowers, Mrs Bunny just adds so much. and as you know I do love fresh flowers too.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I loved your flowers from Mr. P. too! To me, fresh flowers add so much cheer wherever they are placed; the table, a dresser, or potted on the front porch, anywhere!

    I hope your weekend is wonderful, as well.

    Hugs back at you,

  3. I'm so ready for Spring...the weather, that is! LOL I've been doing some "Spring Cleaning" all day!!! Thankful for the roof over my head thought, so I am not complaining (too much)*smiles. God is so gracious to give us sunshine!

  4. Yes, the sunshine today was a gift! God is so good! And good for you getting some Spring Cleaning done....

    As always so happy to see you've stopped by to visit...

    Luv ya bunches,

  5. Love your roses...That is my favorite flower. I love your bunny too she's adorable and nothing say's spring better than a birds nest. :O) I hope you had a vry nice weekend. Hugs, Jennifer

  6. Hi Jennifer! I agree about the bird's nest... so Springy to me. And I have had a great weekend... God really blessed me at Church today... that was the best part of the entire weekend!

    Thanks for the nice comments!
