Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Decor Part 2

(Click on photos if you'd like a closer look at the details)
Hurray for Spring.... I am really getting into it this year... and I thought that maybe some of y'all might like a peek at the finished product.... so I decided to share more of my antique Piano in all of it's Spring-y "glory"..... and yep, good 'ol Mr. Elk is still standing guard over everything, but the lady bunnies don't look too disturbed... Smiles
Have a happy day!


  1. Oh Wow! Beautiful!! I love seeing your decor!

    Miss you all!!

  2. How pretty is that piano! I love the easter train! I have one to but it's different, yours is much prettier than mine...How do you make those bows? mine always come out yuckie and small looking. Yep, you are very easterie and springie...LOL! I love it! and I still love those candle holders.....Hugs, Jennifer

  3. Hey Sis F. thanks for being so sweet, I miss you too....


  4. Jennifer, hey there! thanks for the "decor encouragement" ****smiles***

    I got the Easter Train at Cracker Barrel....I just fell in love with it...and as for the bows, I loop the ribbon like four times, secure with a little piece of craft wire, and repeat until the bow is the size I want...I don't use one of those bow making thingies... I like doing myself...
    I wish I knew how to do those "chocolate" rabbits, like you do.. those are darling... I was showing them to my Mom and she thought they were so pretty and "real" looking...
    Texas hugs,

  5. Such a pretty spring piano! You have a gift for brightening spaces and making them lovely. Have a great weekend!

  6. SO beautiful, elegant, and victorian. :-) Those pictures made my heart smile.

  7. It was such fun to see that you had visited and posted a comment, Carolyn.... thanks!

    And you have a wonderful weekend, too!

    I am looking forward to a visit at Aunt "C"'s place soon....

    Texas Hugs,

  8. Hey there, M! So glad my Spring-y things made you smile.... and thanks for such sweet comments... you are a dear..Hope to see y'all soon!


  9. Beautiful Jenni, you are so gifted, I need you to visit my home and help me finish mine. Enjoy!

  10. Awww... Sue, you are sooo gifted yourself! But you are such a sweet lady for saying so.... I love the way your farmhouse looks.... and I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of joy!

    Texas Hugs,

  11. Hi Jenni, The chocolate bunnies are easy, it's all in the color paint you use. I use duncan paints chocolate fudge paint for the dark chocolate, ivory paint for the white chocolate and you can mix the two to get a milk chocolate look or just get a lighter brown...I spray them with duncan ceramic sealer in matte or in semi gloss and you can find the ceramic bisque bunnies on ebay along with the spray and paints...I wanted to stop in and tell you I added you to the basket for the giveaway, thanks for entering and Good Luck! Hugs, Jennifer :O)

  12. Oh thanks for telling me how you made those yummy looking bunnies! That is so neat! I'll have to try making one some day..... sounds fun!

    Thanks for entering me for the drawing..... I am so excited!
    Texas Hugs,
