Sunday, March 20, 2011

Songs at Midnight.......

We had a beautiful Church Service this evening....The Power and Prescence of God was so Strong.... I am blessed beyond measure to have been able to worship in His Glorious Prescence.... Praise His Name above all Names!
So tonight I have been thinking about how He has been my song in the midnight hour so many times.... My midnight hours have been very dark, very stressful, very frightening or worrisome experiences; and yet, because I am His and He is mine, I can sing songs of Praise, songs of devotion, songs of love to Him, and those dark hours are lit with the bright torch of His Spirit.... of His comforting nearness..... of His peace..... and of His deliverence!
Acts 16:25-26 speaks of Paul and Silas being imprisoned for doing the work of the Lord.
They were bound in the prison house, with their feet in stocks, and yet they dared to pray and sing songs of Praise!!!
25: "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
26: "And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed."
Great things happen when we Praise Him in the midst of our circumstances! Tonight our Choir sang a song called "Praise is what I do" (written by William Murphy)
some of the lyrics go:

And I vow to Praise You,
Through the good and the bad
I'll Praise You
Whether happy or sad
I'll Praise You
In all that I go Through
Because Praise is what I do!
That's how I feel tonight..... Oh, my Heart is full of Praise to the One Who is Always My Song in the Midnight Hours of My Life......His Beautful Name Is Jesus.......


  1. God does give a song in the night. Beautiful post.

  2. I have those songs at midnight too, just recently while I was so sick. Thanks for this encouragement, I have often wondered how I would have reacted if I was put in chains. I also remember and have read many books of persecution in other countries of people for proclaiming the name of Christ.
    Great encouraging post.

  3. Thanks for your comment on my music, I enjoy all kinds of music, except hard rock and rap. I like retro because it reminds me of wonderful times of bygone days. Feel free to take or listen anytime.

  4. Jen, Thanks for the beautiful posts. You are such an encouragement. Love,Jaime

  5. Thank you for this post! I'm keeping the faith through God's infinite grace. His unmerited favor is wonderful to me!! He gave His life for mine. What a marvelous thing He's done! I can't help but THANK HIM for being so marvelous...and marvelous in my life. He's rearranged me. I have hopes and dreams..but living for Him and fulfilling His wishes is what means most. Hugs*

  6. Carolyn, Sue, Jaime, and MD....Thanks for all of the nice comments.....

    So glad to know that my "heart words" have been an encouragement to others.....

    Jesus Christ is the Love of my life and I want to share the wonderful things He does for me with others....

    Hugs for each of you!
    Hope each of you has a wonderful week!

  7. What an uplifting post. To praise His name in our darkest hours brings us a peace that passes understanding. Thank you Jenni, for sharing these scriptures and thoughts.

  8. Hi Jenni! This is what the world needs now, more than ever...your post is very encouraging. Thank you for visiting me! I have seen the annalee dolls and they are adorable! I can't buy any though because my husband said I have too many collections already..LOL! are you going to post a pic of your new duck? I'd love to see him! Have a nice evening, Hugs, Jennifer

  9. Hi Bobbi and Jennifer, thanks for visiting! Oh bobbi, when I see your littl "icon" picture with Gracie's sweet lil fave beside you have to smile......

    And Jennifer, yes I'll post a photo of "my ducky" friend, just for you! **smiles**

  10. can't spell for beans this AM.... Bobbi, your LITTLE "icon" pic with Gracie's FACE....

    **YAwn** it's back to bed with me....
