Friday, April 8, 2011

A Spring Door Wreath

(Click on pics, if you'd like a closer peek)

My sister purchased a flower wreath, but felt it needed a little something; so she had me make a Bow for it, and tuck in some extra "pretties". I did the bow with multi - colored ribbons, and added a yellow rose (This is Texas, after all) *Smiles!*

(For those of you that may not know, the yellow rose is a signifigant part of Texas History)

I also added a green lady's boot, and a fancy purple bird....

I think the result was "Spring-y"....

Thanks for looking!


  1. Jenni, Beautiful! You almost inspired me to go get my spring wreath and re do it ha ha! The reason I said almost is because I am up to my ears cleaning out and rearranging the kids closet. What a nightmare! Love Ya, Jaime

  2. Beautiful Jenni, now I must get busy with my spring wreath.

  3. Hey Jaime and Sue! Yep, there is something about changing your door wreath with the Seasons (and your yard flags) that is just fun! So I was happy to work on this one for my sister.... gonna try my hand at making a swag for our door this week.....

    Now I would LOVE to see what each of you come up with on your wreaths.... y'all both have good taste and are creative, so I know I would love them!
    Thank y'all for visiting today, I appreciate it!
    Texas hugs,

  4. Beautiful, Jen. You always amaze me with your talents. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Awww... thanks, M! I just am still pretty amazed that people like to see my stuff... the first couple of times I posted pics I felt kind of silly.. like "jen, people have more important things to look at than your fun projects"

    But people have been so nice, and I realized how much I enjoyed seeing what other people are doing and crafting and making, so, here we are...
    glad you are feeling better, dear friend, but sorry about your hurt shoulder!
    Get well soon!
