Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Update....

Thank you all for all of the concern and prayers for my Jazzy - man..... We really appreciate it!
He went in to the Vet's office, this morning, and Doc said he feels the seizures are due to the increased dosage of Metronidizole. So he totally stopped the Metronidizole for a while, and put him on some Valium today, and said we are to give give him more valium if he starts up with the seizures again. He has been sleeping and resting for hours, but has had no more seizures, and is getting up to potty just fine. He is also eating and drinking just fine.
Praise the Lord! Last night, during the seizures, in the worst part, we would say loudly: "Jesus! Please touch him right now, in Jesus' Name!" and he would start coming out of it and open his eyes! I am just telling you all what happened. There is so much power in the Mighty Name of Jesus! And I know for a fact that He does care about His creation, both great and small.... He is so very kind and Good.....and Comforting......
Something interesting has come from all of this. We have a dear young lady at our Church whose precious little girl has multiple seizures, some days. She has just been diagnosed with Dravets Syndrome. As all of this in our world was transpiring last night and this morning... that baby girl and her Momma were heavy on my mind.
In the gray light of morning this a.m. I looked at my mother, with tears in my eyes, and said: "Mom. Jazz is a DOG. Can You imagine how one would feel if it was their BABY that this was happening to? I think I learned something."
Mom replied: "I think I have learned something too."
I can tell you that my prayers will have a different ring to them, now, when I pray for that dear and precious and weary little family......
With Love, Jenni


  1. Jenni, I am so glad that Jazz is doing better, and Yes when we call on that wonderful Name of Jesus, things happen!!!
    I will be praying for this little girl and her family! My heart just goes out to this family,I know what it is like to have a child have seizures.
    ThankYou for sharing.
    Hugs, Sue

  2. Jen,
    Wow! What a scare that must have been? We are glad to know that Jazz is doing better. I am amazed at the compassion and love of our Lord. He not only brought you and Jazz through this time, but He also gave you greater love for this other family. They will continue to be in our prayers as well.

  3. Thanks, Sue and Heidi. Yes, there is so much power in Jesus Name.....He is so Gracious, and, His Compassions fail not.....

    So, Sue, you have experience with the seizures. You know how scary they are...

    And thank you both for your thoughtfulness and prayers....

    Luv ya, Jenni

  4. Jennifer,

    Thank you for the kind words. They brought tears to my eyes. I forget that people do think about us even when I don't realize it. Thank you for all the prayers. I pray that your puppy gets better.

  5. Oh Amber, what a wonderful surprise to see that you posted a comment! I had no idea you even read the blog....

    Please know that we are thinking about you and baby Hannah and your entire family, and praying for you y'all, continually...

    We love you all so much!


  6. So glad to know that Jazz-Man is doing better. I'm sure that would have scared me to death. Right at the moment Royale is barking her head off (probably inviting company over)I tell ya...all this estrogen around here is about to get on my nerves--LOL. Just pray I don't have "grand-pups" before my time! I'm too, way too, young for that! LOL and especially the thought taking care of more than one makes me want to go running... :-D Love ya!

  7. Hehehehe... girl, you make me laugh....but you would make such a GOOD Mimi for the "grandpups" hehe.....


  8. And thanks for being concerned about my "hairy baby"

