Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Of chocolate pies and friendship....

I cannot believe how lazy I have been this week, trying to get rid of this pneumonia! Goodness... I'll be so glad to be up and going strong again......... it has really just worn me out, though, and, though I have felt reallly guilty..... I've had strong admonitions from friends and family to "rest and get well!" They left out the "or else" part, but it was definitely implied... hehe.
And my dear sisters - in - the - Lord and precious friends have encouraged me through it all! One has emailed me repeatedly to check up on my progress, and today one called wanting to know what kind of pie I would like her to make.... I picked chocolate, and it has been delicious, and so appreciated!

But most of all I am thankful for people calling my name out to the Lord... What a blessed person I am that someone would take the time to do that for me! As the old song says: "His eye is on the sparrow andI know He watches me....." I have noticed that sometimes when I'm ill, God will talk to my heart about certain things; things I need to work on, do a better job at, or things such as a need to spend more time in prayer or reading God's Word, or even the need to be kinder, or to show more compassion to others....... and that has been the case during this week of illness.... Oh my! I want to take these things to heart.....

Just sharing with you all some ramblings that I have been thinking on during all of this "resting".....
I hope each of you has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Sorry to hear you have been ill! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Thanks for the good wishes, and for visitng today, Carolyn! I hope y'all have a wonderful trip.


  3. OH NO Jenni!!! I'm so sorry you have been sick :O( How did you pick up that nasty pneumonia? I hope your feeling think your sick and you came to give me a visit, your such a sweetheart!! I'm sending prayers your way dear friend. Chocolate pie!!! oh yummmmmmers!!!that should have you feeling better in no time. ;o) Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Hugs, Jennifer

  4. Hi there, Jennifer, it's great to see you on here! As for how I picked up this yucky pneumonia, well, I've been wondering that myself! It was great to finally be able to visit my fave blogs again.....(yours is one of those, most definitely!)

    I am doing better, too! Thanks for the prayers, I appreciate them!
