Friday, June 10, 2011

Into The Deep... Sort Of!!!!

(Click on the photos if you'd like a closer look)

Tonight my family and I took another trip to Kemah, to view their fireworks display over the bay. It was a lovely evening, and we had lots of fun..... I couldn't resist popping in to the Aquarium Restaurant, to get a few pictures of these denizens of the deep. The Aquarium restaurant makes you feel as if you are literally dining under the sea... you are surrounded on nearly all sides by huge aquariums full of fish, eels, sharks, and stingrays, all swimming among lovely rocks and coral reefs. The walls are all simulated coral reefs, and on the far wall there are several smaller tanks, one in particular representing the Amazon River, is full of piranha fish.... I still remember my first look into that tank..... I had been eating, and keep seeing it across the room, and thought, hmmm... what is that muddy looking tank supposed to represent? So I got up and took a look, and stepped back when I saw all the toothy underbites those fish were sporting!

I am just amazed when I think of the wonders God has created, how that a beautiful world exists under the ocean.... teeming with beauty and life, and created for His pleasure. No wonder He created everything, and then saw that it was good! He is amazing!

We also got to meet a very nice lady named Jeanie, who is suffering with much pain in her body. I am honored that she asked us to pray for her healing. I will not take it lightly, for I know my God is the Master Physician, and He can heal! I have seen Him heal people, including myself way too many times not to believe it with all of my heart...........

I hope that each of you have a wonderful weekend......


  1. Hi Jenni! I wish I had all that yummy stuff in my fridge :o( I put myself on a diet a few weeks back, no more yummy stuff for me for a loooooong time.....*sigh* Wow! that restaurant looks like a great time, my husband loves looking at aquariums but to have them all around you, now that would be amazing! Have a wonderful weekend! hugs, Jennifer

  2. hey Jennifer! i am SUPPOSED to start wight watchers this next tuesday with my sister and a friend... we'll see if it actually happens, haha!

    I have always loved aqauriums too, the fish are so relaxing to watch...

