Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Am I Surprised?

In a previous post, "I will Trust, and I will follow" I made mention of the fact that there were several things going on in my life that I did not understand. I likened it to being in a fog and not being able to see clearly....

I quoted Exodus Chapter 14 verses 13 and 14. I had made up my mind (with the Lord's help, of course) that I did not have to fully understand what was going on, all I needed to do was trust God and follow Him. And do you know what? Several of the things that I was praying about have been ANSWERED! Praise the Lord!

Why am I surprised, when my God is so Great, and Awesome, and Mighty? Why am I amazed when He loves me so much that He went to Calvary and gave His life, and shed His precious blood to save me? His love for me has been constant, never - failing, and sure...

I love Him more every day....


  1. Hi Jenni,
    What a wonderful post, I was smiling as I was reading it, as I have done the same thing and asked the same questions.
    Giving thanks and praise for your answered prayers.

    Thank you for coming by and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Sue, and for taking the time to comment!
