Monday, January 28, 2013

"Sleepy Lily" says: Happy Monday!

These are some photos I took the other night of Miss Lily, AKA: Lilybit, Lulu, Lilybug, Miss Stinker, Baby, Cupcake, Mija, Liebchen, and darling girl...........Ummm.... does anyone else call their dog by nicknames, or is it just us??????  I'm guessing you do! I used to take tons of photos of our Black Lab Jazz.... and he was the most obliging of Pups..... you could pose him all kinds of cute ways, with all sorts of props, such as flowers, scarves, toys, gifts, treats, glasses, etc..... and he would just give you a sleepy look, as it to say "are you finished yet?"  I am still trying things out with Lily..... that is why there is a bunch of flowers next to her..... she will tolerate some things.....but has a tendancy to move, sniff the "props" I place beside her, and even nibble at them.....  she was a tired girl from lots of playing, in these pics, though, so I did get a few before she got disgusted with me and moved...... I am getting more and more attached to this dog!!!!!!  I am a total "dog -person", and she is so sweet!  She is getting more and more used to us and our crazy ways, and now gives LOTS of kisses and if you quit petting her, or she wants attention, she will worm that cold black nose under your hand or arm, and nudge you pretty strongly!!!!!  (and we love every minute of it)

I am sooooo thankful God sent this sweet little lady our way!!  As I have said before, He gives his children the best gifts!!!!

Anyway, Lily says "Happy Monday, dear hearts!"  And we hope you have a wonderful week.......and if it just happens to be a rather trying week, we hope you remember to lean on HIS strength, because 2 Corinthians 12:9 says:  "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...."


  1. LOL :) Thanks, Jen. I especially needed the verse today!! That's a God-send.
    Instantly puts a giggle to my lips after such a frustrating, feeling un-productive day. Thanks!

  2. I have been clinging to that verse a LOT lately.... M.! Be of good courage, dear friend.... you are never alone!


  3. Sleepy Lily looks like she is not at all impressed with the camera... haha. She is beautiful! Gracie's nicknames: Gracie PoopyHead and Gracie Icantbelieveyoudidthat. I hope you're having a good week Jenni!

  4. Ha ha ha! I love the long one...we have sometimes called Lily... DIDyoudthathuh???


    PS. Lily says thanks for saying she is pretty....

