Saturday, August 14, 2010

When you can't, He can.

We have a rather tattered card displayed on our fridge; one that I bought some time ago. It was put out by the DaySpring card company. I have been fond of their cards for years, because they generally have a scripture on them, along with an encouraging message of some sort. This particular card caught my attention when my family was going through a difficult time a while back, so I bought it, and placed it on the fridge where everyone could read it. It is so encouraging, I thought I would share it with all of you:

"When you can't, He can."

When you are the neediest, He is the most sufficient.

When you are completely helpless, He is the most helpful.

When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable.

When you are the weakest, He is the most able.

When you are the most alone, He is intimately present.

When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.

When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you.

When it is the darkest, He is the only Light you need.

When you feel the least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress.

When you are the most humble, He is most gracious.

The scripture portion of the card is Eph. 3:20-21:

20 "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21 Unto Him be glory..."


  1. Powerful card!! Thanks for the post.

  2. It says things we already are aware of, but sometimes it helps to be reminded! I know I need to be reminded often, as life sometimes throws things my way that can catch me offguard. The good thing is, HE is never "offguard"!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Scott, we love y'all...

  3. I needed that reminder!! Thank you!!

  4. Glad it encouraged you, And thanks for stopping by!
