Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's Fall Again...

Hello, Dear Friends! It's been a while since I really had time to Blog, and I've missed it! (and missed visiting you all, at my favorite Blogs, too!) Well, the Calendar says it's October, and that means it's the Fall of the year again... though here in this part of Texas, I must say, Summer temps are overstaying their welcome!!! I, for one, will be so thrilled when the weather actually cooperates with the Calendar... you know, when you step outside your front door and the air is crisp and cool, and you feel a certain pep in your step because the heat and humidity aren't weighing you down..I used to LOVE this time of year when I was in college... walking across campus was more of an adventure... or so it seemed to me in those days.... I still love this time of year... I have been taking stock of my life, (as I do every year around this time, preparing for year's end, and the new year to come). What have I accomplished this year... have I seen any of my New Year's Dreams and Goals come to fruition? Oh my! I'm so happy to report that I have... I will be sharing more about that, later on...It's past time for me to be in bed, dearest friends...and I'm getting sleepy, so I will say goodbye for now... Please don't forget, though, that God loves you so much! And He is just a prayer away...Fall Best Wishes!! Jenni


  1. can't wait to hear what you and the Lord have accomplished!! I know one thing....You have been a God-sent-Friend to me this year!! Love you much. Thank you for all the prayers.

  2. And you have been a God send for me, too, dearheart! I am so blessed to count you a friend! I love you and your family so much...

    And thanks for praying for me, too, for big and small problems...Thanks for being there!

