Saturday, July 23, 2011

Handpainted Christmas Cards

(This is the first one I have completed, it is really sparkely, though you can't tell from this pic! ;0) I just LOVE Sparkle!)

I'm ignoring the hot weather and crafting hand - painted cards for Christmas, embellished with glitter. I've had lots of fun doing this; crafting is always so relaxing! I've got a lot more ideas, and have already sketched them in. I just hope they turn out well!

I have several projects that need doing, and will hopefully have more pictures to share over the next few weeks. One of the projects is decorating up a plain beige lamp shade. I've done a lamp shade before and thought it turned out cute. So I hope this one does, too.
What have you all been up to this week? Whatever it is, I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a happy weekend!



  1. Hi Jenni!

    Thank you so much for your email and kind compliments!!
    And also for your condolences for my precious Maxxie. I am truly sorry that you are also grieving for your own dear Jazz and know the heartache that you are having.
    What a precious face! I can see his wonderful personality shining thru those eyes!! How blessed he was to have such a wonderful Mommy to love him forever.
    Both of my sisters have black labs and they are the happiest dogs!
    Your Christmas card is so cute and someone will be very lucky to get it later this year!!
    Thanks again for taking time to write me.
    Furbaby Hugs,
    P.S. I LOVE your hair!!!

  2. Hi Lynn! I am so blessed by your comments. Thanks so very much for stopping by and taking the time to leave such kindness to encourage me. Labs are happy dogs... and their happy go lucky playfulness and sweet loving nature is so precious.....

    Furbaby hugs to you, too! And thanks for complimenting my hair.... you are so kind!

  3. What a joy to be able to visit you today Jenni. I have been off line and am so happy for the rest today.
    And Girl! I have been thinking Christmas lately too, I even play Christmas carols, shh! this is our secret. ~lol~

    Your Christmas card is beautiful, I clicked to get a closer look, beautiful detail. I have said it before, you are so gifted with your hands, I am so glad that you have taken this gift that God has given you and are using it too create such beauty.
    Enjoy your day, and stay cool.

  4. Hey there, Sue! As always, you are a breath of fresh air in my world! That's so funny about your "secret Christmas Carols"! I started to get out my Martina McBride Christmas CD yesterday..... I bought it last year but never opened it.... hmmm... Now I think I WILL go open it and give it a listen! But you keep my secret and I'll keep yours, ;0) LOL!!!!!!
    Don't you just love Those Carols?? It's Happy Music!
    Thanks for you kindess about my card.... and my painting! I think you and Lynn have given the encouragement to do some more!


  5. Nice to know I'm not the only one!! I baked some pumpkin bread yesterday and just *had* to turn on the Carpenters' Christmas CD!!
    Love the card Sis. Jen!

  6. Hey there chickadee! Wow! I am thrilled to see you on here.....

    And pumpkin bread, MMMMMMM! Yum! girl I can eat a whole thing of it by myself! I love it warm from the oven... and it makes the house smell good when it's baking, too.

    And I've always enjoyed the Carpenters Christmas songs.....


  7. What beautiful work, Jenni!! I love thinking about Christmas in July... cools me off a bit. How about you? I hope you're having a great week!! Gracie and I sending love... :-)

  8. Hey Bobbi and Gracie! Yep, we could surely use some cooler weather! I teased a friend at Choir practice this evening. She said her hands were cold and I said, "maybe you getting ready for the snow to start falling"... She said "I wish!"

    We are doing well! I am feeling soooo much better, thank God! He is so very good!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit!

  9. How special!!!! Good for you for starting now too.

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! It's beautiful.

  11. Aww, you are so kind! Thanks for the encouragment! It means a LOT!

    Bless you!
