Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Jesus Did For Me on Saturday

The Lord did something very special and encouraging for me this past weekend...... as y'all know, I have had a return of this pesky pnuemonia..... which has made breathing difficult at times..... I was supposed to remain in the bed on Sat. and rest rest REST! (but who wants to do that, right?) So I decided to go Wal - Mart for something I needed, and then I was going to go and practice my piano a bit......

I knew in Wal - Mart that I was in trouble...... I felt that old crushing weight on my chest, and it was getting worse. So I hurried and paid, and headed straight home to take a breathing treatment. by the time I got home, I was panicking a bit.... (anybody with athsma will understand this feeling) as I was having a harder time getting a good breath......

I came inside the house, and set up the nebulizer for a treatment, and then realllly wanted to speak to my Pastor or another minister in our church and ask for prayer..... I believe in prayer!

So I called my pastor at his home and on his cell phone...... but couldn't get him... (he usually always answers his cell in case someone needs him, and DID call me back a few minutes later) he is a very caring and prayerful man, and I love him so much......

Well, I couldn't get him right then, so I tried another minister's home... but didn't reach him either.... tried the Church and couldn't get anyone... (finally did a while later) meanwhile I was having a HARDER time breathing, and still rather panicky.... I prayed "Lord... I really need a preacher to pray for me right now! Oh Jesus what am I going to do????"

Well, the phone rang right in the midst of that, and friend that is a minister's wife ( who lives in another city) was on the line, and she had NO IDEA what was going on! When she heard my distress, she said: "Let me get my husband on the line, and he will pray for you ....."

And the Minister got on the line, and He said "Well, sister, let's pray right now...." And He PRAYED! And touched the Lord for me....... and I felt God's caring and love and strength just go all over me..... and I began to breath better and calm down and have that beautiful peace that I was going to be ok......

And then right after I got off the line with him, my Pastor called and further reassured me that he was praying, and then I got a call from another minister from our Church who also reassured me that they were praying at the Church for me.......

Isn't Jesus Amazing?????
Oh how He cares, even for the little sparrows that fall from their nests, and so much more for us...... and to think that He would do all of that for me..... to let me know He heard me, and was not going to let me just be sick or scared, longing for prayer......

How my heart praises Him! He is my everything!


  1. Hi Jenni, you must have been so scared. I'm so sorry this pnuemonia is causing you so much irritation and leaving you with breathing issues. I guess I take breathing for granted because I don't have asthma or breathing issues...To see it from your advantage puts it in a different perspective. I hope you get better real soon, I don't want you to have to go to the hospital...I'm so happy to hear that the pastors were there to pray for you, you didn't have to go through it alone...I'm sending prayers your way to help you get through this. Thank you for stopping by and visiting me....isn't that cake pedistal pretty! that was one of my happy buys :o) and the rose scrubbie, I still haven't used it but your right maybe I should, since it is pretty it may make doing the dishes a lot more fun! Take care and rest up! have a nice week, hugs Jennifer

  2. I've never had asthma, but when you were describing within your story about not being able to breath well, I got scared too, just reading about it! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better, at least with the asthma. As for the pnuemonia, ugh! I just pray that it goes away and leaves you alone! You sound like you are having a nasty time with that illness.

    Also, I'm glad that you were able to get some pastors to pray for you. Take care.

  3. Yes,jenni Our Jesus is so amazing, and He has promised to never leave nor forsake us, His children. What an Awesome God we serve. I am still praying for complete healing in your body.

  4. Thanks so much, dear Jennifer and Madame and Sue! Y'all are some of the sweetest and most caring ladies....

    thanks for the prayers and the kindness y'all share with me.... I appreciate each one of you, and love visiting y'all's blogs....


  5. Wow! Thank God! So glad you documented this! We must remember each and every miracle God works on our behalf for there will come times the devil will try to say Miracles are a thing of the past!

    Thanking God with you!!

  6. Thanks, for taking the time to rejoice with me, my dear Sis. F!

    Love you!
