Saturday, August 13, 2011

His Tender Care

( I have wanted this picture from Cracker Barrel for a long time, and was so excited to find it 40% off, yesterday, when my sister and I had supper before going to the hospital to visit my Grandmother)

UPDATE: Grandma is doing so very much better! Praise the Lord! If all continues to go well, she will be moved to the Rehab facility Tomorrow, or Tuesday.....

My heart is just full, this morning. What would I do without my Wonderful, Loving, Caring God? He has been a Friend like no other.... providing so faithfully for my every need... and even some of my heart's desires; things that only He and I knew about......... He is Amazing! What a priviledge it is to serve Him. And, as the old song says: "What a priviledge to carry, everything to God in prayer......" He upholds me and my family with His everlasting Arms... He is my Tower of Strength, My Joy, My Hope, My Refuge! Just speaking His precious Name brings Peace...... and talking with Him, is a Joy like no other.........

Maybe there is some one out there that is struggling right now, exhausted from wondering if God hears you, or if He even Cares...... I just want you to know that HE DOES! His Word speaks of how He even takes notice of, and cares for the little sparrows that He created, and says that you are worth so much more than a little sparrow! You can read this for yourself in Matt 6:25 - 34, and also in Matt. 10: 29 - 31.....

Wonder no more, dear friend, God loves you! Just seek Him in Prayer and He will draw you close......He is as close as the mention of His Name......




  1. God cares! His love is so amazing!! Been thinking a lot along these lines for the past several days. So thankful for Him!

  2. Hi there, M! It's wonderful to hear from you.... I hope all is going well in your part of the world!

    Bless you!

  3. Oh, and that is so neat that you have been thinking similarly about God's Tender Care.... thanks for letting me know!

  4. With the state of the world today ~ what would I do without my God? I feel so sad for those who reject Him. This is a wonderful post, Jenni. Love to you from Gracie and me :-)

    PS So happy to hear about Grannie!!!

  5. Hey Bobbi and Gracie! You are right, this old world is in a pretty bad shape! But it's so comforting to know that God cares about us, and takes care of us.....

