Monday, August 22, 2011

A Flower, Not a Weed

(This is a photo of some flowers we had in the Spring of 2010)
I was outside, a little while ago, watering the potted plants and flowers on our back patio. As I was watering one particular flowering plant, I looked a little to the side, and saw that part of it was entertwined with the "Plant" growing in the pot beside it....... I looked more closely, and saw the other "plant" was actually a weed. It had been getting watered right along with the real flowers...... I got to thinking of the Parable of the wheat and the tares, which is found in Matthew chapter thirteen in the Holy Bible.

All of this thinking made me realize how much I want to be a "flower", not a weed......though it's been getting watered and is thriving with healthy looking green leaves, right beside a pot full of REAL yellow flowers, it is still a weed......
Living for God, and Pleasing Him, MUST be my top priority. Nothing else can ever be as important! If I will continue praying and reading His Word every day, and going to His House to Worship Him when I am able, and if I not only hear, but obey the preached Word.....I will thrive and grow spiritually......I must try to make sure that I surrender my will to Him daily, and that I walk through life totally filled with His Precious Spirit, the Holy Ghost.......

Because I DO NOT want to be the weed that is "blooming" right along with the beautiful Flowers cultivated by the Master Gardiner in our Church! I want to be the "real thing"! I want to live with sincerity and be genuine........
As the old song says: "I love Him too much, too fail Him now!"
He is returning soon, and, as another well - loved old song says: "Oh! I want to see Him!"
He is my life..........


  1. What a joy to be back online and to visit you Jenni, this is such a great analogy, your thoughts are always so precious, your heart and love for the Lord comes through and I always leave so blessed. I to always want to be the real flower in the Master's garden, blooming to please Him. Thank you for being a real flower and I count myself blessed to bloom beside you, you are such a blessing.

  2. Hey there, Sue! It is so good to see you on here, today! I really missed you lots, but know you were having fun.....

    Thanks for your sweet and kind comments... you are a dear and I appreciate you! You are so encouraging to me.....

    He is my reason for living.... and what a happy life it is, walking with Him......

    Big 'ol Hugs,

  3. Hi Jenni! I wish I could be more like inspire me. :o) I don't have my blog any longer but I will visit and comment like I always have. Have nice evening! hugs, Jennifer

  4. Oh Jennifer, Sweetie, I found out you had closed your blog late last night.... I tried to stop by for a visit and couldn't pull you up.... I am gonna miss it so badly! I loved seeing all of the wonderful and creative things you were doing! You are so talented with your hands.....and you are kind and caring, too.

    Please don't get discouraged! You are loved and cared about, Dear heart....

    Thanks so much for your kindness, and for encouraging me so many times, right when I needed it!

    Take care,
    big 'ol hugs,

  5. Jennifer, I have just been thinking about you and praying for you, precious I was praying, some scriptures came to my mind, and I wanted share them with you. They are: Jeremiah 29: 11- 13; Psalms 146: 5; and Psalms 147:3

    I hope they are a blessing to you...... take courage!

  6. Jenni, you are a beautiful woman, and I am so thankful to have found you.. always uplifting... always encouraging. I love how God brings just the right people into a life.. and when He does, you just know... Hope you're having a great week!!

  7. Jenni, you have brought tears to my eye''s wonderful people like you that make this world an amazing place. I'm so lucky to have met you :o) I will visit your blog just as I always have and maybe one day I will be back with my own blog again. Thank you for all your support and well wishes...Have a sweet week and a wonderful evening...Hugs and love, Jennifer

  8. Thanks, so much, Bobbi and Jennifer.... I am blessed by the precious gift of y'all's friendship!

    Heartfelt hugs!
