Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Hospital Stay

This is a picture of my dear Grandmother, and my Uncle, taken at our house this past Christmas...(some of you family members might want a closer look, just click on it to enlarge it) We had quite a scare Monday morning when she called us, from the floor where she had fallen. Her blood pressure was very low, and she was dizzy. We told her to stay put, and my mother called an ambulance..... and we now know the fall resulted in a broken hip. She will be having hip replacement surgery today at 1:00. She just celebrated her 80th birthday in June, and I love her so much! I know God will bring her through this, just as He has brought her through all of the hospital stays and surgeries she has endured this past couple of years..... He is so Faithful!


  1. Oh no!!!! So sorry to hear that. Will be praying for His keeping hand on her during surgery and for a speedy and thorough recovery!

  2. Hi Jenni! Your grandmother has been through so much. I'm sending prayers your way and your in my thoughts as well...I pray your grandmother has a very quick recovery. Hugs, Jennifer

  3. Hey Tara. We really appreciated Richard coming and praying for her tonight! It was such a blessing. Bro. Thompson has been such a blessing too...

    Have fun in Louisiana! Luv ya!

  4. Hello, Jennifer! You are right, Grandma has been through a lot lately..... I just left the hospital, and she was doing well, though, she came through the surgery ok! She did have some problems breathing, but got better, Thank God. Thanks for praying for us!


  5. Hi Jenni! I am so sorry to hear about your Granny. She looks like such a lovely woman. I will keep her in my prayers, my dear friend.. and you and your family as well. Working in the business I work in.. I see 80 as being young and with much hope for many more years. Hip replacements can give a much better quality of life and this is my prayer for your Granny. ((((HUGS))))) love from Gracie and me...

  6. Hey there, Bobbi! You do see lots of people around that age, huh? I bet you are great at what you do! Thanks for praying for her, and for us! That would be wonderful if it improves her quality of life!

    Thanks for stopping by! Please hug and kiss Gracie for me!

  7. Thanks, M! We appreciate it so much!

