Monday, January 16, 2012

A Special Blessing....

I have a little story to share with y'all, today... of how God knows the desires, big and small, of our hearts... and how that, even though it might seem silly or unimportant to anyone else, if it matters to me or you, it matters to Him.... This is also a story about how that God uses special people to bless us... right when we need encouragement the most.....

Did you look at the purse in the picture above?? Isn't it unique?? I saw one just like it in a store many months ago, and lingered, and touched it.... and studied it..... and sighed, and said softly, "Well, Lord, I sure do like this purse, and would love to have it, but I don't have the money to buy it..." and I walked away.... thinking Oh well, that's that! You can't have everything you want, Jen!

But my Father was listening! And He knows the desires of my heart.......

Yesterday Morning, after Sunday A.M. Church, my dear and precious Pastor's Wife, (Whom I love so very much) gave me some things.... she has been sorting through and decluttering like so many of us have in this new year..... and I was excited to "inherit" some of her neat "stuff".... guess what one of the things was that she passed on to me? Yes, you guessed! And it still had the tag on it.....

Isn't Jesus Amazing? Oh my goodness! You see, I have been really worrying and fretting about some things lately.... and this little situation has made me realize yet again How well my Father knows my heart..... and how much He cares about me...... and it has reminded me that I can trust Him with the big and small things in my life.... And I Praise Him for His Tender Care...

And I Praise Him for my dear and wonderful Pastor's Wife, too! What a blessing she is to me!



  1. That's awesome! I love when she declutters. LOL!!

  2. Me too! One man's "trash" is another's "treasure" and this stuff was really GOOD stuff!

    I am so thankful. And happy to see that you stopped by for a visit.

