Friday, August 2, 2013

It Is Well...

You can see more beautiful flowers such as these at Moody Gardens, in Galveston, Tx.

Hello, dear's been quite a while since I posted anything, but so much has been going on!!!  My goodness! Do you ever feel as if your life is a wee bit out-of-control?? LOL!

I have been a bit under the weather, with that old congestion that is a frequent, though unwelcome guest in my life.... and I've got something wierd going on with my eyes.... they are so red!!  It seemed to start when I changed the type of contac solution I was using??? But we haven't been able to find the kind I've used for 20 yrs with no problem.....and someone told us the company that makes it discontinued it!!! So, I don't know what to do..... Meanwhile.... I look like I've been on a ten day crying jag....

You all know how much I love music.... and a song is on my heart today.... I've been having a rather difficult time lately.... and was starting to wonder "Why?"  Then I thought.... Hmm... what happens when a person simply REFUSES to get down or depressed?  What if they just dig their feet in, and won't go down that road....instead.... they simply CHOOSE to be thankful and Happy, and content and unruffled... going about with a song on their lips and a Praise in their heart as if everything was Wonderful???
And then, I thought, "I bet that makes the enemy of my soul angry and confused! Hehe!" You know, he throws things at me to upset me, but I refuse to remain upset.... instead, I praise the Lord that I love so much No matter what!!!! And those thoughts have led me to this song:

             "It Is Well With My Soul" By Horatio Spafford

When Peace, like a River, attendeth my way,
When Sorrows like Sea Billows Roll;
Whatever My Lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is Well,   It is well with my soul

It is Well, with my soul...
It is well, It is well.... With my soul

Thou satan should buffet, though trial should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
An shed His Own blood for my Soul.

My Sin, Oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My Sin, not in part, but the whole
Is nailed to the Cross, and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Oh my soul!


  1. Thank you! For it IS WELL. It is well with my soul!!! :) Thanking God He sent me a friend to earth...thanking HIM that HE sent me you! Love you & Happy Weekend! Ps. the neighbor just drove up with his Mexican music blaring. Why does that music make me so smile??! LOL I don't understand a word, yet it somehow makes me want to do the hula or some-such. LOL

  2. And I am thankful for YOU, my friend! And that music is just happy music! Makes me smile... too!


  3. Oh and i just pictured you doing the hula.... Hehehe! Now THAT REALLY makes me smile.... no wait... laugh out loud, teehee!



  4. It is always better when we choose joy! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. I'm so glad your feeling better, and so glad that God sent me to you.. Joy feels our soul and keeps us happy and the adversary don't like that , so we keep on singing and playing for Jesus and keep making the adversary mad, maybe one day he will get the we belong to Jesus :)

  6. Hi jenni, Take care of yourself, you are so right the enemy does throw these things at God's children and yes it makes him mad when we praise God.I am laughing along with you, keep giving him a black eye, by uplifting our Lord. You always inspire me to reach higher.
    I haven't been blogging lately and am trying to get back to it, like you I have had so much going on.
    Be blessed today.Hugs,

  7. Oh Jenni, I am so sorry that you were under the weather again. I need to be praying for you again...
    I love this song so much. Thank you for reminding me of it... I was feeling so down the last few months with being dizzy and everyting... very depressed. I felt as though my life would never be normal again. God and I have been having some real wrestling matches if you know what I mean. But He has showed me so much during this time!! He is working... this I know. I hope you can find the right contact solution that will help. I know when I switch I sometimes don't do well either. I hope you are doing better!! Will be praying!
