Saturday, April 7, 2012

He's Risen! A Joyful Easter!

(This is a photo of some chocolate - dipped Peeps marshmallow bunnies that my sister fixed for Easter. She got the idea from Phyllis Hoffman's Celebrate magazine. Aren't they cute?)

Hello, dear friends! I hope each of you is having a wonderful weekend...... we have been out of town on two trips since I last blogged, (more about all of that later) so I have missed reading your blogs and seeing what's going on in y'all's worlds...........

Oh my! Today was simply gorgeous! Not too hot, and just beautiful, with breezes and sunshine and green grass and blooming flowers and singing birds............ went to choir practice this afternoon...... and had some lovely time talking with Jesus in the sanctuary, before everyone arrived..... and then, as we sang songs about His birth, death, burial, resurrection, and steadfast love....... I just began to feel something stirring in my spirit...... and it was all I could do to stand still and sing! That Joy just began to feel like it was going to bubble over out of my soul...........

Another song has been on my heart today, also...... along with the ones we are singing for Easter..... it's called "He's Alive" and the original one was done by a man named Don Francisco???? The Chorus has just been running over in my head.....

He's Alive!

He's Alive!

He's Alive and I'm Forgiven

Heaven's Gates are open wide

He's Alive

He's Alive

He's Alive! He's Alive!

Do y'all know that song? I surely hope so!

Well, I must go and wash my hair and get ready for tomorrow..... but please know there is Hope today because Jesus Christ did not stay in the manger, on the Cross, or in the Grave....... He's Alive, and is still forgiving hearts, washing people's sins away, and filling souls and lives with His Precious Holy Spirit!


  1. Hello my dear friend, I am all misty right now cause of your last words, Jesus Christ did not stay in the manger, on the Cross, or in the Grave, He's Alive! These words touched my heart and I thank you so much. To you and yours a very Blessed Easter...Lu

  2. And to you and yours a most wonderous Easter, too... dear friend Lu! I hope you feel the Prescence of the One that Loves you Most so strongly.....and that your day is full of Joy!

  3. happy easter friend jenni glad your back...hope its alright with you..and indeed jesus is the one who loves us the most...pray for me friend ..i need it these days...loves soraya

  4. I'm SO glad that you're back Jenni. I have missed you and your inspiring posts SO much! :)

    I LOVE how you ended this post by stating that Jesus is alive right now and no longer in a manger or on a cross, AMEN to that Dear Sister! :)

    Have a wonderful Easter Sunday, and try not to eat too many of those cute chocolate dipped peeps! :)

  5. Jesus is Alive and Well,
    Jesus is Alive and Well,
    Tell everyone you see,
    Tell everyone for me,
    That Jesus is Alive and Well!!!

    Song today was unbelievable! Tammie helped me with the words. Wow I want run!!! Hallelujah!!!

  6. YES!!! I'm so glad He died for my sin...and ROSE AGAIN!!! There is Resurrection Power in THIS hour! :-) Jesus...the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.
    Happy Easter, Jen! Love you all very much.

  7. Hey there, precious friends.... thanks to each of you for stopping by and leaving some thought provoking and encouraging words!


  8. Hi Jenny! I didn't get to go to church on Easter Sunday. it was the first I'd missed on Easter in I can't remember how long. I've been fighting a sinus infection but am feeling better now. I love the chocolate dipped peeps. They look yummy!! I love that song, "He's Alive". I was able to see an Easter play about a week before (right before I got sick). It was a real blessing.
    I hope you are well, and enjoying a beautiful weekend!

  9. A beautifully written Easter post, Jenni, and yes I do know this song, haven't heard it in a while, but it is a great one.
    Oh! how i would love to have some of those chocolate peeps, never thought of dipping them in chocolate. Great idea.
    looking forward to you sharing of your trip.Hope you are all well, as i have not been on line to much lately, we have been so busy.

  10. Hi Jenni! Those peeps are so yummy looking, I always eat the ears first...LOL! Thank you for stopping by for a visit...not much going on, I'm waiting for the threat of rain to stop and some warmer days to start our huge staining project. I don't like staining in the summer when it's so hot out. I hope your having a nice week :o) Have a great day! Hugs Jennifer

  11. Hi Jenny, I love your Mary Bear graphic in the sidebar, I have cross stitched that same bear
    I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Hugs
