Sunday, March 27, 2011

Special Time with Grandma

(This is a picture of my Grandmother from a few Christmases past) Since so many of you have been so kind with your thoughts, prayers, and comments of concern about my Grandmother, I thought I would post a photo so y'all could see what she looks like...
She has developed a touch of pneumonia in one lung, the doctors think, and has been running fever, but when I left the hospital a little while ago, her blood pressure was good and the fever was normal, Praise the Lord!

Tonight when I went to releave my Mom (so that she could go home and take a bath and wash her hair) I brought my Bible with me. I thought Grannie might enjoy hearing from God's Word since she hasn't been able to attend Church in quite a while.... She was reallly doped up on morphine and phenergan for nausea, but I decided to read aloud to her anyway.....

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..." I began, and she listened a moment and then started quoting with her eyes closed..... "That's from 23 Palms" she murmered.... meaning of course Psalms, but the meds were taking affect... "Yes, that's right," I said, and kept reading... and she would quote some along with me..... I felt tears in my eyes..... God's Word is so Powerful! You can feel the power of those precious words as you speak them, and even though she was ill and out - of - it, she remembered that beloved Psalm!

I read some other Scriptures to her, and then we prayed together..... and I thought "I am so thankful to have gotten to spend this time with my grandmother"...... what a blessing it was for both of us!"


  1. She is beautiful Jenni, and I am praying for complete healing.
    I think reading the Word to her was a wonderful idea. I have told my dh that if anything ever happens to me to please read the word to me, and play music. and my last request was to have a back rub.. You are ministering to your grandmother, but being able to do this for her, has also ministered to you. How awesome is this!! Thank you for sharing the update and your heart.

  2. Jenni, you have a beautiful grandmother. I'm so sorry you and your mother have to go through this,I know it must be so hard on both of you...I'm sending prayers to all of you during this hard time. The fever being gone and her blood pressure being ok is a good sign...take care, Hugs Jennifer

  3. What a beautiful lady she is, just like her granddaughter. What a blessing it must have been for you to be there, sharing in Gods word with her... being a comfort to her. Still praying.

  4. Thanks again, blogging - friends, for the prayers and care, and for encouraging me, too! I hope this a great week for all of you......

    Oh, and Sue, Someone reading the Bible, and playing music would be at the top of my list, too! As for the back rub... I need it now, hehehe.

    Hugs, Jenni
