Thursday, June 17, 2010

" apples of gold..."

Proverbs 25:11 says: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

Several of you have given me "apples of gold" lately, by telling me that this blog is encouraging and uplifting to you. I appreciate your saying that more than you will ever know! By doing so, you have encouraged and uplifted me, as well. Thank you all so much; your kind words have made my heart sing...


  1. There is little in the world I enjoy more than hearing you sing! I just wish I was close enough to hear your heart sing. Love ya!!

  2. That's why you are my BFF! (And I sure enjoy hearing you SING too!!!) Hee Hee! You and my BIL should do a duet, it would go "platinum" "fer" sure!!

    But really, I love you, too, and wish that I could Scrapbook and knit like you! You are wayyyy above my league in those things!
